Nuclear Decay Data, Potassium-40, Theoretical Calculations, EXFOR FileAbstract
The nuclear decay data of40K have been evaluated in this study via model nuclear projectiles. The reactants were carefully identified with the aid of KarlsruherNuklidkarte with the target nucleus in order to obtain the residual nuclide (40K ) and liberating the ejectile particle or in multiple. The liberation of 40K in the study via all the reactions channels was based on production routes initiated and balanced to give 45Cr (n, 2β + Pn)40K ,46Mn (n, 2n Li Pβ+)40K , 37Ar (α, P )40K ,42Sc (β-, 2n)40K , and 49Ni(2β-, 2α 2β+)40K . Multiple tasks were performed with; EXFOR, Nucleonica, KAERI, CSISRS, Nudat especially compatibility of the decay data with their specifications in order to achieve theoretical cross section calculation data. The calculated Q-Values and Threshold energies were determined from the nuclear reactions and subsequently the excitation functions. Further empirical approach is encouraged in bids to realize more potential pathways of decay data of40K . Finally, the experimental study of this result is expected to unveil more insights. Their potential outcome this study is expected to address human quests in nuclear medicine, nuclear energy and nuclear arms against insecurity and military aggressions.
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