
  • T. Y. Bunonyo Department of Physics, Niger Delta University, Wilberforce Island, Bayelsa, Nigeria Author
  • I. C. Ngene R&D Centre, Defence Industries Corporation of Nigeria, Kaduna, Nigeria Author
  • S. B Saleh R&D Centre, Defence Industries Corporation of Nigeria, Kaduna, Nigeria Author


Construction, Stability, Ignited, Propellant, Rocket


Rocket engines powered by solid propellant are the engine of choice for this research work, which is under the category of reaction engines. Since it optimizes the benefit of solid fuel propellant of black solid propellant composed of potassium nitrate (KNO3), Carbon (C) and Sulphur (S). Galvanise pipe was used as the body to convene the rocket engine and a launcher, where the rocket was launched. The burning of the propellant led to generating of large volume of hot gases which produces a forward reaction force that propelled the rocket. A cardboard cut-out method was used to determine the centre of pressure of the rocket. From the obtained result, stability of the reaction engine in space was achieved, in making sure the centre of gravity was above the centre of pressure i.e (CG > CP), for the design and construction of the rocket model engine of; DIC 001, DIC 002 and DIC 004 ignited at the nozzle that shows high performance launched, while DIC003 was ignited from top of the rocket body. The developed technical appearance of Solid Rocket Propulsion System (SRPS) provides increased reliability, resource, simplicity, and efficiency of a reaction engine in the design and construction of a rocket, which is an essential part of military weapons such as, air to surface missile, surface to air missile, and so on. 

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FS-2005-01-05-MSFC- pub8-40355.




How to Cite

CONSTRUCTION OF SOLID REACTION ENGINE FOR CRITICAL PURPOSE. (2022). The Transactions of the Nigerian Association of Mathematical Physics, 18, 179-182.


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