
  • Ekere Sunday Udofia 1Department of Mathematics, AkwaIbom State University, IkotAkpaden, AkwaIbom State, Nigeriageria Author
  • Henry Sylvester Thomas Department of Mathematics, AkwaIbom State University, IkotAkpaden, AkwaIbom State, Nigeria Author
  • Joy Ijeoma Uwakwe Department of Mathematics, AlvanIkoku University of Education, Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria Author




Vector-host, Lyapunov Direct Method, Endemic equilibrium


In this work, a vector-host deterministic mathematical model has been formulated to include the susceptible, infected and vector (mosquito) population at time > 0 . The model was then transformed to a vector-host model that incorporate discrete delay parameter, to investigate the impact of media coverage on the transmission dynamics of fowl pox with discrete delay. The model was analysed using methods which provides a general algorithm for determining stability of model with delay differential equations.At both disease free equilibrium and endemic equilibrium, it was observed that the system is stable in the absence of delay and unstable with increasing delay under established conditions
Also in the work, the construction of aLyapunov function is done for the Vector-Host model (2.1,2.3) using lyapunov direct methods. The results indicated that the DFE is globally asymptotically stable when Rb ≤ 1 (i.e. every solution trajectory of the Vector-Host model (2.1) - (2-3) converges to the largest compact invariant set M = {(S0 , I, V)}and unstable when Rb ≥ 1.

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How to Cite

DISCRETE DELAY ON THE IMPACT OF MEDIA COVERAGE IN THE TRANSMISSION DYNAMICS OF FOWL POX INFECTION. (2024). The Transactions of the Nigerian Association of Mathematical Physics, 19, 111-124. https://doi.org/10.60787/


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