
  • B.T. Enoch Department of Mathematics, Federal University of Lafia, Lafia, Nasarawa State Author
  • T. T. Ashezua Department of Mathematics/Statistics/Computer Science, University of Agriculture, Makurdi, Nigeria Author
  • S. A. Somma Department of Mathematics, Federal University of Technology, Minna, Nigeria Author


In this paper, we apply three semi-analytical methods, viz: the Differential Transform Method (DTM), Homotopy Perturbation Method (HPM) and the Variational Iteration Method (VIM) to compute approximate solutions of a continuous mathematical model of Shigella diarrhea comprising of a non-constant population and a deterministic model on the impact of stress on the dynamics and treatment of Tuberculosis. 

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How to Cite

SEMI-ANALYTIC METHODS FOR THE SOLUTION OF TWO EPIDEMIOLOGICAL MODELS. (2021). The Transactions of the Nigerian Association of Mathematical Physics, 17, 51 –60.
