Petrophysical Evaluation Of Eterieva Field, Niger Delta, Nigeria, Using Well Logs Data


  • O. J. John Department of Physics, University of Benin, Benin City, Nigeria. Author
  • N. I. Odiaka Department of Geology, Dennis Osadebay University, Asaba, Delta State, Nigeria Author



Hydrocarbon, Reservoir, Porosity, Permeability, Saturation, Payzon


Hydrocarbon exploration and development rely heavily on understanding the characteristics of subsurface reservoirs. Petrophysical evaluation emerges as a crucial tool in this endeavor, aiming to quantify the essential properties of these reservoirs using well log data. Through the utilization of Petrel 2017 software, this study conducted 3D seismic analysis, well log interpretation, to gauge the hydrocarbon production potential of reservoirs. The geophysical logs used comprise gamma ray log, resistivity log, density and neutron logs etcetera. Sandstone and shale lithology were delineated within the Eterieva field which is a distinctive quality of the Agbada formation. The objective was to pinpoint potential hydrocarbon reservoirs, analyze their configuration, estimate reservoir properties, and evaluate overall reservoir capacity within the Eterieva Field, located in the Niger Delta Basin by amalgamating geological and geophysical data. The result showed that C reservoir in the Eterieva Field has a net thickness of about 176.5ft, an average Effective Porosity of 26%, Total Porosity of 30%, Permeability of 2239.70mD, Water Saturation of 47% and Hydrocarbon Saturation of about 53%. Its payzone thickness and shale volume are 129.73ft and 14% respectively. The C reservoir is basically made up of oil and water with an OWC at an average depth of about 6552.4ft. This nature of the petrophysical parameters reveals that the reservoir is of good quality and hence, viable for exploitation. The findings of this endeavor provide valuable insights for the sustainable management of the region's hydrocarbon assets while enhancing our comprehension of the basin's geological intricacies.


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How to Cite

Petrophysical Evaluation Of Eterieva Field, Niger Delta, Nigeria, Using Well Logs Data. (2025). The Journals of the Nigerian Association of Mathematical Physics, 69(1), 71-82.
