Boussinesq, Aquifer, flow, three-aquifer, Leakage Groundwater, HillslopeAbstract
This paper derived hillslope leakage-dependent equations that can be used to study groundwater flow dynamics in leaky sloping three-aquifer system within a sedimentary basin. This was done by the introduction of leakage term(s) and Darcy flux in Boussinesq context into the general groundwater continuity flow equations in each of the aquifers within the three-aquifer system. The derived equations have been shown to be capable of modeling groundwater flow not only in sloping three-aquifer system but also in horizontal three-aquifer system, where the slope angle is zero. These equations, when solved and used for simulations of groundwater flow in three-aquifer system, will be very useful to hydrogeologists in studying the leakage properties of aquifer-aquitard system which is very crucial in estimating long time yields of aquifers within a three-aquifer system. Also, extension of Boussinesq equation into three-aquifer system will help geoscientists to conduct detailed studies and have better understanding of the groundwater flow dynamics in such geological structures.
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