Navier Slip, Viscos Dissipation, Homotopy perturbation, Convective BoundaryAbstract
This research aims to investigate the unsteady behavior of Navier slip and convective boundary condition on transient mixed convection flow of a viscous dissipative fluid in a vertical channel. To get steady state solutions for temperature and velocity distributions, the Homotopy Perturbation Techniques (HPM) is applied. Numerical solutions of the transient leading equations is performed using the implicit finite difference scheme. Tables and graphs are used to display the dynamic flow parameters. Numerical analysis demonstrates that, increasing the parameters for the Darcy parameter (Da), Biot number (Bii) and mixed convection parameter (Gre) all resulted in an upward flow of fluid, however increasing the parameters for the heat sink and magnetic field resulted in a downward flow of fluid.
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