descriptive discriminant analysis, weighted mean score, fields of study, career choice, Prospective studentAbstract
This study borders on why would prospective students accept admission in fields of study different from their chosen careers, especially as it can negatively impact the lives, work, and accomplishments of the students throughout their lives. The ranked responses of 106 students of University of Benin, Nigeria was analyzed using the weighted mean score and descriptive discriminant analysis. Among the ten identified influencing factors, the first identified link factors which include overwhelming urge for a university education, I have waited too long to get into university, and difficulty of gaining admission into public universities was the most significant independent and combined influencing factors. The results revealed that no single factor can influence students’ decision to accept admission in fields different from their chosen fields of study, unless for a combination of the identified factors. In addition, the results revealed that gender has no significant influence on the choice of factors.
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