
  • I. I. Ako Department of Mathematics, University of Benin, Benin City, Nigeria Author




Tuberculosis, Schistosomiasis, Co-infection, Uncertainty Sensitivity


We present the uncertainty and sensitivity analysis of the effective reproduction number for the deterministic mathematical model for tuberculosis-schistosomiasis co-infection dynamics as presented by Ako and Olowu [1]. The results from these contour plots suggest that the effect of the cercarial production, cercarial penetration, the number of schistosome eggs secreted and the successful conversion of the eggs to miracidia, on the hardship of tuberculosis in a populace, is predominantly determined by the medical care levels for individuals with active schistosomiasis. Hence, public health policy should take into account the level of medical care facilities available. With increasing (and sustained) treatment rates for schistosomiasis infections, having a large proportion of active schistosomiasis patients expeditiously receiving medical care will result in a reduction in the disease hardship in the populace.

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