
  • N.E.J. Omaghali Department of Physics, University of Jos Author
  • E.B. Ani Department of Physics, University of Jos Author


In this research we investigate the optical properties of coconut oil within the UV and NIR region at different temperatures. The coconut oil was heated from 40oC to 80oC and their response within the UV and NIR region was studied using the spectrophotometer. The coconut oil was found to have a very high reflectance at 50oC and this opens up the possibilities of using the coconut oil in some high reflectance applications. 

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How to Cite

SPECTROPHOTOMETRIC ANALYSIS OF COCONUT OIL IN THE UV REGION. (2022). The Journals of the Nigerian Association of Mathematical Physics, 63, 191 –194. https://nampjournals.org.ng/index.php/home/article/view/142
