Analytical Investigation Of Heat Generating/Absorbing Fluid On Mhd Fully Developed Steady Natural Convection Flow In A Vertical Micro-Channel With Symmetric And Asymmetric Heating
Natural Convection, Heat Generation/ Absorption, MHD, Micro-Channel, Symmetric and Asymmetric HeatingAbstract
This works investigates analytically the influence of heat generating and absorbing fluid behaviours on MHD steady natural convection flow in a vertical parallel plate micro-channel in presence of velocity slip and temperature jump conditions. Flow is assumed to be steady, laminar and fully developed. Exact solution of momentum and energy equations is derived separately for heat generating fluid and heat absorbing fluid. The effects of various flow parameters entering into the problem such as heat generating/absorbing parameter, Hartmann number, Knudsen number, and fluid - wall interaction parameter on the temperature, velocity, rate of heat transfer and skin frictions are provided and discussed with appropriate physical explanations. Results revealed that, increase in Hartmann number reduced the influence of the velocity, and skin friction. The role of heat generating/absorbing fluid parameter, Hartmann number, rarefaction parameter as well as fluid wall interaction parameter on temperature and velocity is significantly pronounced in the case of asymmetric heating. Furthermore, it is observed that that skin friction and rate of heat transfer at cooler wall increases with increase in heat generation parameter while the reverse trend in the case of heat absorption parameter.
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