
  • S.T. Tonga Department of Physics, Taraba State University, Jalingo-Nigeria Author
  • L.P. Kenda Department of Physics, Taraba State University, Jalingo-Nigeria Author
  • D. Andeyangde Department of Physics, Taraba State University, Jalingo-Nigeria Author
  • D.S. Joro Department of Physics, Taraba State University, Jalingo-Nigeria Author


endemic equilibrium, disease-free equilibrium, sensitivity index, Basic reproduction number


This paper studies the sensitivity indices for natural death rate, rate of death due to disease, recovery rate, contact rate, and recruitment rate. The susceptible-infected-recovered (SIR) was used to develop the model equations, the disease-free equilibrium, endemic equilibrium was obtained using the model equation. The basic reproductive number was calculated using the next-generation matrix method and the eigenvalue equation of the Jacobian of the disease-free equilibrium point. The basic reproductive number was used to calculate the sensitivity indices for the natural death rate, the death rate due to disease, recovery rate, contact rate, and recruitment rate. It was discovered from the model assumption and the findings that the high contact rate and recruitment rate will spread further the disease otherwise the disease will be eliminated.

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How to Cite

SENSITIVITY INDICES OF A GENERIC INFECTIOUS DISEASE EPIDEMIC FOR DISEASE SPREAD AND ELIMINATION. (2022). The Journals of the Nigerian Association of Mathematical Physics, 64, 99–104.


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