
  • Babatunde J. Odetayo Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Physical Sciences, University of Benin, PMB 1154, Benin City, Nigeria. Author
  • Binitie Amaka Patience Computer Science Department, Federal College of Education (T) Asaba. Author


The aesthetic and functional abilities of artforms have played significant role in different fields of study including securing standalone or networked computer systems and handheld devices. Though some studies have centered on humans as the weakest link in the security chain, recent assertions from literatures have shown that the choice of artforms in graphical password models and allowing users to choose their own artforms or click point within an artform during authentication have a direct effect on a system’s security level. This research therefore establishes the feasibility of developing a security framework for mitigating the effects of cyberattacks in Recognition-based Graphical Password Schemes. 

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How to Cite

TOWARDS A FRAMEWORK ESTABLISHING SECURITY CRITERIA FOR RECOGNITION-BASED GRAPHICAL PASSWORD SCHEMES. (2023). The Journals of the Nigerian Association of Mathematical Physics, 65, 191 – 198.
