
  • A.R. Usiobaifo Department of Computer, Faculty of Physical Sciences, University of Benin, P.O. Box 1154, Edo State, Nigeria. Author
  • F. I. Amadin Department of Computer, Faculty of Physical Sciences, University of Benin, P.O. Box 1154, Edo State, Nigeria. Author
  • A. O. Egwali Department of Computer, Faculty of Physical Sciences, University of Benin, P.O. Box 1154, Edo State, Nigeria. Author


This study is a comparative analysis of a consumer-producer co-assessment service quality model, CONPRO and SERVQUAL model. The study demonstrated the efficacy of CONPRO and SERVQUAL model using some Commercial banks in Nigeria as case study. A field survey was conducted and a total of 1050 questionnaires were administered out of which 834 were selected to even out for the
two questionnaires, that is, 278 for SERVQUAL, 278 for the Customers and 278 for the producers. The implementation of the CONPRO E- Service quality model was carried out and analyzed using Confirmatory Factor Analysis. The results of the analysis using model fit metrics provide a good case for recommending the CONPRO model for measuring e-service quality compared to the SERVQUAL model. The coefficients for the highest loading for the instruments from Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) were set to 1.0 and the reliability of the CONPRO instrument was high at 0.882, while that of the SERVQUAL instrument was 0.638. The mean Gap Score for the SERVQUAL instrument gave a value of 2.66, whereas the mean Gap Score for the CONPRO instrument gave a value of 2.64 using a weighed ratio of 50:50 for consumer and producer. The reliability of the SERVQUAL instrument was 0.638 while that of the CONPRO instrument 0.882. The fit indices for the CONPRO model were: CFI (0.902), IFI (0.897), NFI (0.921), RMSEA (0.012), PGFI (0.823),
PNFI (0.811), AIC (0.201) and ECVI (53.192); which summarily indicated an adequate model for e-service quality measurement. These findings confirm the theoretical position that service quality is a combined construct of both the producer and consumer, which is expected given the generalized nature of service production as captured by the CONPRO instrument. 

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How to Cite

COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF CONPRO AND SERVQUAL MODELS. (2022). The Journals of the Nigerian Association of Mathematical Physics, 64, 111–126.
