Increase in demands of smart devices, due to their current needs in every aspect of human endeavours has opened new opportunities for advances in semiconductor technology. In this study, bound states of a one-dimensional finite square well system, with a varying potential depth were determined, taking the width of the potential to be constant. The allowed energies were determined implicitly as the solutions to the transcendental equations; and
. Energy eigenvalues are higher for odd solutions than for even solutions. The deeper a potential well is, the higher the energy eigenvalues. At varying depth of a potential well, for each corresponding level of bound states, the deepest well possesses the highest energy. Generally, z0 controls the number of bound states, as z0 grows, for the even solutions, the solutions tend to singularities (2k + 1)π/2 , where k is natural number. For the odd solutions, as z0 grows, solutions tend to singularities that are integer multiples of .
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