Application Of Linear Programming For Profit Maximization In Vegas Restaurant And Bakery Using Simplex Method
DOI: solver, Linear programming, Objective function, Optimization, Profit maximization, Simplex MethodAbstract
This paper aims to apply linear programming for profit maximization in a Vegas Restaurant and Bakery using the Simplex method. This study was carried out to seek the optimal solution for the bakery that will maximize its monthly profit. Data was collected as extracts from the records on different types of bread packages adopted in the company. Survey data is analyzed to determine the decision -making style and define the problem. A linear programming model is developed for profit maximization and the model equations are solved using the solver. Results revealed that the company makes a monthly profit of N979,030 and that Milk bread, Sardine bread, wheat bread, and Banana bread contributed objectively to the maximum profit. Hence, the firm should produce more of these types of bread and sold to maximize the company’s profit. Sensitivity analysis was also performed.
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