Effect Of Annealing Temperatures And Durations On The Optical And Electrical Properties Of Electrodeposited CdMnTe
CdMnTe, Electrodeposition, Annealing, Absorbance Band GapAbstract
The work explored the effects of varying annealing durations and temperatures on the optical and electrical properties of electrodeposited CdMnTe thin films. A 2-electrode system was used for the deposition and the thin films were grown at a cathodic potential of 1400 mV, pH of 2.0 ± 0.02 at 70 °C in an electrolytic bath prepared with CdSO4, MnSO4, and TeO2. The UV-visible spectrophotometer was used to study the optical properties of the thin films, and the photo-electro-chemical cell measurement was used to determine the electrical conductivity types of the thin films. The absorbance of the film increased f or annealing time of 4 and 6 minutes and for annealing temperatures of 50 and 70 °C. But for an annealing duration of 6 minutes and annealing temperature of 90 °C, the absorbance had lower values when compared to the as-deposited. Varying energy band gaps were obtained at different annealing parameters and values. Electrical conductivity type of n-, p- and intrinsic types were obtained.
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