
  • E. P. Inyang Department of Physics, National Open University of Nigeria, Jabi-Abuja, Nigeria Author
  • E .S. William Theoretical Physics Group, Department of Physics, University of Calabar, P.M.B 1115, Calabar, Nigeria Author
  • E. A. Ibanga Department of Physics, National Open University of Nigeria, Jabi-Abuja, Nigeria Author
  • J.E. Ntibi Theoretical Physics Group, Department of Physics, University of Calabar, P.M.B 1115, Calabar, Nigeria Author
  • O. O. Akintola Department of Chemistry, National Open University of Nigeria, Jabi-Abuja, Nigeria Author


Diatomic molecules, class of inversely quadratic plus Hulthén potential, Nikiforov-Uvarov method, Schrödinger equation


In this study, the solutions of the Schrödinger equation are obtained with a class of inversely quadratic plus Hulthén potential models using the Nikiforov-Uvarov method with an approximation to the centrifugal term. We obtained the energy eigenvalue equation and normalized wave function. The energy equation was used to compute the numerical bound state for selected diatomic molecules (N 2, O2, NO, and CO) for different rotational and vibrational quantum numbers utilizing their corresponding spectroscopic data. Our findings demonstrate that the energy eigenvalues are highly sensitive to the potential and diatomic molecule characteristics, with no divergence between the l -wave and s -wave, implying that the approximation scheme is well suited for these set of potentials. We also found eight special cases of this potential, and the results are consistent with previous reports in the literature.

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How to Cite

BOUND STATE SOLUTIONS TO THE SCHRÖDINGER EQUATION FOR SELECTED DIATOMIC MOLECULES. (2022). The Journals of the Nigerian Association of Mathematical Physics, 64, 1 – 12.


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